Cinzia Carnevali - Psychoanalyst - Clinical Activity

Group psychoanalytic therapies

you can start from psychoanalytic listening in a group, group support with healthcare professionals using the Balint group model, group psychoanalysis and group psychoanalysis with the Psychodrama method (SIPsA). Furthermore, a listening space that allows, in addition to helping people in difficulty, to deal with the emotions of the operators and the traumas to which they are directly exposed or with which they have come into contact indirectly in their work.

Psychoanalytic Therapies with Adolescents

To follow the problems in adolescence, the treatment is aimed at adolescents aged 14 to 21. The aim is to identify the difficulties of the adolescent and his family through one or more interviews. We will then proceed to individual or group therapy and/or parenting support.

Psychoanalytic therapy with adults, couples and families

a listening space is offered which represents a first moment of contact with the difficulties that emerge and can be addressed through one or more conversations. The purpose of the meetings is to begin to understand and make sense of the psychological suffering and emotional problems that have led the person or couple to the therapeutic question. Applicants may be referred to individual or couple therapy or be placed in therapeutic groups.


Via Bastioni Orientali n° 70 47923 Rimini Rn - Italy


+39 0541 783147


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It is preferable that email or telephone is used to arrange an appointment, in order to have a personal consultation.